Please become an active FACA Member or Advertising Sponsor.

We need your help in continuing to serve and reresent the interests of our community. Membership is only $20 per family per year and is free to all residents of the Vinson Hall Retirement Community. Click here for an application.

In the past, FACA on behalf of its 1400 families has served our community in a number of ways:

  • Worked with county and state officials to preserve our environment, improve infrastructure and mitigate storm water runoff and flooding damage.
  • Provided a forum to resolve community issues.
  • Gone green by posting FACA News, community and meeting notes, and a comprehensive Neighbors Directory on the FACA website.
  • Requested support for various legislative initiatives regarding zoning reform, storm water mitigation, the establishment of an independent Inspector General and contractor reform.
  • Promoted traffic calming measures and safe connecting walkways for greater safety.
  • Funded a cost sharing program to encourage the planting of trees to renew our urban forest. (For details, see below.)
  • Reconstituted a Neighborhood Watch with the Fairfax Police to raise safety awareness and maintain our peaceful environment.

We hope that you will join your neighbors and become an active FACA member and or advertising sponsor. If you have any questions or we can help in any way please email me at

With best wishes and thanks for all you do,

Wally Sansone
Franklin Area Citizens Association